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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Great Utah ShakeOut Earthquake Drill 2019

UVU is participating in the annual statewide Great ShakeOut earthquake exercise Thursday morning at 10:15. In the case of an earthquake or any other type of emergency, this website would provide additional information from UVU as needed. This is a site hosted off campus, and it creates redundancy with campus computing resources and websites in the case that they are offline, destroyed, or unavailable. It also becomes a principal location for these types of communications that people can count on to always work and be the “go-to” place.

Our messaging system will send out communications by email and text at 10:15 a.m. If you do not receive these communications, please check your opt-in settings a

Remember during the Great ShakeOut to practice these actions: drop, cover, and hang on. Dropping to the floor prevents falls, covering prevents injuries from plummeting objects, and hanging on maintains those protective measures.

For more details on the Great ShakeOut, visit this link:

For more details on UVU’s safety and emergency preparedness, visit this link:

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