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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Great Utah ShakeOut 2024

Prepare to duck, cover, and hold on! The Great ShakeOut is coming to UVU. 

It’s an annual statewide earthquake preparedness drill held by the state of Utah to practice earthquake safety protocol. At UVU, we want to be prepared. 

April 18, 2024, at approximately 10:15am. 

Students, staff, and faculty are invited to participate in the short protective actions (drop, cover, hold on). If on campus, you will hear an overhead announcement. The UVU community will also receive a warning on computer screens that will remind you to take protective actions as if there were an earthquake. 

During this year’s Great ShakeOut you may also see our emergency management team performing a larger emergency exercise. Do not be alarmed if you see simulated injuries and emergencies, or emergency service teams on campus. This is all part of an effort to be ready to keep you safe in an actual emergency situation. 

Please join us in practicing the protective actions of duck, cover, and hold on during the Great ShakeOut.

Thank you!

Robin Ebmeyer
Director of Emergency Management and Safety