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Monday, February 3, 2020

UVU Alert, Feb. 3, 2020, at 11:00 a.m.

We understand that current weather conditions are making travel difficult for some. According to the National Weather Service, the worst of the storm has passed. The roads on and around UVU’s campuses are accessible. If travel is challenging for you, please continue to take the necessary precautions to stay safe, including not coming to campus. Faculty and supervisors, please work with your students and employees impacted by today’s storm and accommodate their situations. Again, please stay safe and take advantage of mass-transit options where possible (UTA services are running).


  1. While UTA services are still running there are major delays. Arrival times are likely to be very unpredictable and even with extra time given it is likely that students will be late for classes anyway. Even though the worst of the storm has passed it is still going to be snowing for the rest of the day, meaning that road conditions aren't likely to get much better. Attendance is going to be down anyway, why not just close campus for the rest of the day and keep everyone safe?


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