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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Great Utah ShakeOut Earthquake Drill

On Wednesday, April 17, UVU campus will be participating in the Great Utah ShakeOut earthquake drill. The fire alarm system will be used to simulate the earthquake, but you should not evacuate. All students, faculty and staff are expected to participate — just follow the mantra, "Drop, Cover, and Hold On." The focus for UVU this year is to test communication methods. This will include the mass communications system that sends a text message to those who have signed up for Opt-In, messaging on the main hallway monitors, emails and computer screens. New this year will be the testing of, which is specifically dedicated to updating the UVU community with instructions and information following an emergency incident. Also new this year, we'll be testing the radios recently given to the building marshals, who will perform a quick assessment on buildings and people after the earthquake and report their findings. This information will ultimately be shared with the Utah County Emergency Operations Center.

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