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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Update - Systems have returned to normal

Based on Amazon's update, we believe that all systems have returned to normal.  Please report any new issues to the IT Service Desk at 801-863-8888 or

Update #2

An update from Amazon was just given and is copied below.  Things should start to return to normal within the hour based on this update

From Amazon
Update at 12:52 PM PST: We are seeing recovery for S3 object retrievals, listing and deletions. We continue to work on recovery for adding new objects to S3 and expect to start seeing improved error rates within the hour.

Update on Outage

Amazon is still experiencing slow down and outages but myUVU and other systems requiring authentication from UVU are now able to login.  Canvas is still experiencing issues but seems to be improving.

Amazon Cloud Outage Affecting UVU Systems

Starting around 10:37am Amazon AWS S3 services began to have major problems which affected Canvas (hosted on the Amazon Cloud) and myUVU systems as well.  Since that time most students have not been able to get in or use Canvas to submit assignments or to get class information.  It did not affect every single person but the majority of people.

Amazon is now aware of the root cause of the problem and is working to resolve it but has given no estimated time for repair.

Updates with be provided here and on landing page.