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Friday, September 23, 2016

Network Outage - Update - Most systems are up now

Almost all systems are back up now.  We are continuing to monitor the progress and check systems for any issues.

Network outage update

We have isolated one problem and are working on trying to get all systems working.  Email is now working.  Authentication to and other systems is still down.

Network outage continues - still trying to isolate the problem

We are still trying to isolate the problem in the network of the data center.  No change in the status at this time.  Next update will follow in 10 minutes or when ever there is a change.  Unfortunately the issue appears to be somewhat complex.

Network Issues - Problems accessing system due to Network

We are currently experiencing some issues with the network in the data center making access to UVU systems on campus system inconsistent or impossible.  Updates will follow.  These issues began at approximately 3:41pm today.  There was an earlier problem at 2:03 for a few minutes but that was thought to be resolved by 2:06pm

Friday, September 2, 2016

Systems are currently operating normally.  Everything has returned to normal now.  Some equipment that failed still needs to be replaced but we are back to normal for now.  Please report any issues to the IT Service Desk at 801-863-8888.
Still unstable.  Working on stabilization.  Continues to go up and down.
Students, if you try to login to Canvas and can't, keep trying and you should be able to eventually. Then don't log out and you should be OK.  Problem is only with the "login system" currently.  Canvas is not having problems.
Things are up and down right now.  Working to see if we can stablize them and find the cause of it.
We are experiencing a Network Outage preventing access to all of our servers.  This includes webservers, Banner, MyUVU, UVLink, etc.  Only off-campus systems are accessible (like Canvas) but only from off campus.  We are currently working on the problem.IT Services